What is the price of five sparrows –two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid: you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
I have thought about the verses above a number of times recently We considered them as a staff this week and reminded ourselves to share these truths with our students as we are in the classroom and school and see needs arise. It is a beautiful truth that nothing goes without His notice and that nothing is too BIG or too minor for His attention, compassion, or wisdom. It can be so easy (and human of us) to over complicate the circumstances of our lives because we are simply forgetting to take them to the Lord in prayer.
Whether they be praises or prayer requests, do not hesitate to let us as a staff know what we can be attentive in prayer for! We also covet being in your prayers as well!
We are praying that this three day weekend for our students would be a mix of rest and productivity and that hearts would seek every opportunity for worship wherever we are.
Have a blessed weekend!
In Christ,
Kathy Thompson
New Faces in the Office!
We are very excited to have a new face in our VCS office! We would like to welcome Wendy Johnson as our Administrative Assistant and Athletic Director. She is doing a beautiful job and is excited to join the staff family. She and her girls have been part of the school for nine years, but if she is not already a familiar face, please say hello soon.
Mrs. Rosenow is still with us! She is just moving into a different role. She is stepping into the Financial Management Position and we are very excited for her. We will miss her, but are grateful for her heart and service for so long! We are grateful too that she will still be popping in only wearing a different hat.
With Mrs. Rosenow moving into the financial management, we want to thank Mrs. Elmer for her time as financial manager! She has been a very loved staff member and we will miss her as well!
Bios will soon be updated on the website, so watch for that shortly.
Moms in Prayer
One of our faithful mom’s Ronda Davis, is stepping up to meet the need of facilitating our “Moms in Prayer,” once again. We are grateful. Prayer time will be on Mondays from 8am to 9am. The next meeting will be this Monday, January 27th and we will meet in the nursery upstairs. We are excited to have moms meet and pray over the students, staff, families, new building and nation. The prayers are always felt by staff and we love knowing that moms are praying on the behalf of all of our students and families as well. Please consider joining and let the office know if you are interested.
The elementary students are well into their Read -A-Thon!! We are always so proud of our students and love every opportunity to foster a love for the written word. Keep your kids reading! We are hearing wonderful progress!
Safety and Security
Dell Stone, a retired Polk County deputy spoke to our students, 7th-12th Thursday morning. Dell has been a support to our staff for nearly a decade in training safety and security. He is a follower of Christ and shares the message that we don’t need to be afraid, but “this is how we can be aware.” I was so proud of how respectful and responsive our students were. They were good listeners and had good questions.
Girls’ Soccer and Boy’s Volleyball
We are already thinking about spring!! We have a full page filled for both girls soccer and boys volleyball and are happy to add more! Please let the office know if your student is interested and we will be able to communicate with you as the seasons approach. We are excited for a fun and rewarding spring sports season.

- We are offering two new spring sports this year with the MCAC! For planning purposes, please let us know if your athlete is interested in girls’ soccer or boys’ volleyball.
- Basketball pictures are rescheduled for Thursday January 23rd at the beginning of practice
- No practice Monday, Jan. 20th
- No practice Thursday Feb. 17
Please check the athletic calendar for the latest Basketball games. The schedule is subject to change.

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