Aug. 25, 2022



One song that I have used at the beginning of this school year has been “My Jesus” – Anne Wilson.* You may have heard of it or have sung it at your church, but one of the key repeating phrases of the song is, “let me tell you about my Jesus.” In the first day homeroom with the secondary students, I had them look at John 3:16-18 in relation to this phrase/song

-“For God so loved us, that He gave Jesus, His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Jesus should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn us, but that we could be saved through Him. Whoever believes in Jesus is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of Jesus, God’s Son. (My substitutions.)

I went on to talk about how Jesus, under his own volition, made a way for us to become His children by simply believing on Him – that he died for our sins and rose again.

The first week of school is one day short of being completed. I believe that we are off to a good start. Continue to pray that the Father’s hand of blessing would rest profoundly upon the school – staff, students, facility.

Please welcome Asher Cress to the school family. He is working as my teacher assistant as I am teaching three upper-level math courses.

On a related note, we will be needing a new 6th grade teacher starting in January as the Stohbeens are expecting their first child. Mrs. Stohbeen is not planning to return to school after their child is born. Please pray for a safe pregnancy and delivery of this new life. So, if you know of someone who could fill that role, direct them to me.

During the daily dismissal of the elementary students, we ask that after this first week, that parent picking up the student, if they intend to come into the building, only come as far as the office area and wait patiently. Also, the staff of the elementary student will not be releasing their students to an older sibling beginning immediately. Additionally, we ask that parents picking up students in their cars line up in the que so that we can have greater security and safety as the students leave.

Also, we could use some additional substitute teachers for the coming year. It is inevitable that there will be times where a sub-teacher is needed.

The fundraising committee is still seeking 2-3 additional members for the committee beginning with the new school year.

Mark your calendars for the annual FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER event!
Come enjoy an adult-only evening of Dinner, Music and Live Dessert Auction. Sunday, October 23rd at Bloom Lake Barn in Shafer, MN from 5:00-8:00pm. Get your $20 tickets at the VCS Office by October 14th. We look forward to seeing you there!

The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be on September 6th .

Pressing forward for His glory,


Aug. 18    5:00  Welcome Back Night/Corporate Meeting
Sept. 5     No School-Labor Day
Sept. 6     6:00  Board Meeting
Oct. 23     5:00-8:00 Fall Festival Fundraiser


VCS starts their first fall games next week. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Mon. 8/29   6:00    Varsity Volleyball vs Immanuel Lutheran at SCF Elementary
Mon. 8/29   6:00    Soccer vs Immanuel Lutheran at Alliance Church of the Valley
Thurs. 9/1   5:00    MS Football at Frederic Elementary School


Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


Mark your Calendars for the annual FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER event!   
Come enjoy an adult-only evening of  Dinner, Music and Live Dessert Auction.  
Sunday, October 23rd at Bloom Lake Barn in Shafer, MN from  5:00 – 800PM
Get your tickets at the VCS Office by October 14th.  We look forward to seeing you there!


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