The mission of Valley Christian School, as an extension of the Christian home, is to provide Bible-based instruction and encouragement so that every student may reach their potential of academic, spiritual, social, and physical development and live a life of love and service to God and others.

Valley Christian School is accredited by the Association of Christian Teachers & Schools

Thompson, Kathy

Kathy Thompson

School Administrator

B.A. in English and B.A.S. in Psychology, University of Minnesota Duluth

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 1:6 


This has been a verse I rely upon in both my work at VCS and in my own life. What a comfort to know that He sees the completed work even while we are in progress. What a comfort among the body of believers to be able to recognize that his good work will be completed in one another.  We can rest assured, even on imperfect days, or on unfamiliar paths that there is an opportunity for victory. More important still is that from each victory and challenge there is the response to praise.  


Whether you join VCS as a student, a family, a teacher, or faculty member you join a growing and maturing Christ-centered school. You essentially become a “builder.” We want you to know that your part is vital. God’s purpose for you here is to be part of a continuing legacy. – Welcome. 


In Christ,

Kathy Thompson

Meet Our Administration Staff

Elmer, Katie

Katie Elmer

Financial Secretary

I am happy to be serving at Valley Christian School in the gifts God has given me. My husband and I have five children and two son-in-laws. Our two younger children love school at Valley Christian and are so thankful to attend a school where they can learn about God's truth in the Bible alongside their educational courses. My happiest times are spending time with family, traveling, and fishing on Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.

Schumann, Pastor Kevin

Pastor Kevin Schuman

School Chaplain

B.A. ministry, University of Northwestern, St. Paul. Master of Theology, Bethel Seminary. Doctor of Ministry, Bethel Seminary.

I’ve had the privilege of pastoring the First Baptist Church of Taylors Falls, MN for the past 29 years. Prior to that, I pastored the Pleasant Hill Community Church in rural Pequot Lakes, MN. My wife, Carol, and I have three grown children, a son-in-law and now enjoy spending time with our three grandchildren. Papa, just might be my favorite title!

Kids have always played a big part in my ministry and I have been able to extend that ministry with roles as a substitute teacher and bus driver. Prior to Covid, I also served as Chaplain at St. Croix regional Medical Center. Now it’s my joy and privilege to serve as Chaplain at Valley Christian School and to work with the student Worship Team for Chapel Services.

As Chaplain, I’m thankful to be a part of Valley Christian School and to work with the student Worship Team for Chapel Services.

As Chaplain, I’m thankful to be a part of Valley Christian School. I look forward to getting to know staff, students and families and look  forward to meeting YOU!

“As I look back on the road I’ve travelled, I see so many times He’s carried me through. And, if there’s one thing I have learned in my life, my Redeemer is faithful and true.

My Redeemer is faithful and true. Everything He has said He will do. And every morning His mercies are new. My Redeemer is faithful and true.”

Schulze, Amanda

Amanda schulze

Academic Advisor

I am excited and grateful to join the staff at Valley Christian School. My husband and I have two children so you can often find me at a hockey rink, basketball court or soccer field. Some of my hobbies include reading, cooking, gardening and trying to get my cat to like me. Mrs. Schulze holds a Bachelor of Science - Business Administration from University of Wisconsin - River Falls.

Rosenow, Jenn

Jenn Rosenow

Administrative Assistant / Athletic Director

I firmly believe in Valley Christian School's motto of Romans 12:2 and am blessed to be a part of this school. I have lived in the area all of my life and am married with 4 children. It fills me with joy and laughter to watch these students grow up and mature in their faith, knowledge, and community involvement throughout the valley.

Meet Our Teachers

Christians, Rachel

Rachel Christians


B.A. of Print Graphic Communication from Dalles Baptist University. Masters in K-8 Education from Marion University

I am an enthusiastic, dedicated boy mom who enjoys outdoor adventures in our beautiful state of Wisconsin. I have a background in photography/graphic design and I have loved serving in children’s ministry at my local church. I consider myself a lifelong learner and want to share the love of learning with VCS’s next class of kindergarten students. 

Mielke, Jared

Jared Mielke

1st Grade

B.A. Piano Pedagogy, Maranatha Baptist University M.A. Church Music, Maranatha Baptist Seminary WI Teaching Certificate, American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence

Kruschke, Darla

Darla Kruschke

2nd Grade

B.A. Elementary Education, Concordia College

I have enjoyed a Christian Education all my life and know that Jesus loves me from the tip of my toes to all the hair he has counted on my head.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1v.1 is my favorite verse because he is in control and will continue to be and for that I am so thankful.

Peikert, Carly

Carly Wilson

3rd Grade

B.S. in Early Childhood Education, Liberty University

I am Christ-follower and adventure-seeker! I have worked in overseas missions and taught in both private and public schools but felt God calling me to Christian education where I can use the Word as my foundation in all that I teach and speak. I am so blessed to be able to do so here at VCS where Christ is number one in every part of the school. 

My goal and prayer for each student is for them to become lifelong learners and thinkers and to grow closer to God through a deeper biblical knowledge and understanding. 

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

— Philippians 4:4

Kalpin, Cassandra

Cassandra Kalpin

4th Grade

B.S. Elementary Education with General Science minor, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.

Brace, Diane

Diane Brace

5th Grade

BS - Elementary Education and Bible Crown College. Minor in Psychology.

It is with great excitement I enter into teaching 5th grade at Valley Christian School. I had the privilege to teach in the elementary grades at Valley Christian for seventeen years when I first began my teaching career. Each of our three children attended and graduated from Valley Christian during this time. After our children were raised, my husband and I felt called to teach overseas in Christian schools. We served for nine years in two different schools while overseas. As we have returned home, we feel very blessed to have the opportunity to return to Valley Christian.


Prior to teaching, I grew up in a Christian home, graduated from high school, and attended Crown College where I majored in Elementary Education and Bible and minored in psychology. 


My hope and goal are that the students I teach will learn and be given tools to seek to be life-long learners, love and service for the One true God, love others, and hold firmly to a Christian world view in all they encounter. 


Mielke, Joy

Joy Mielke

6th Grade

B.A. in Bible and Sacred Music with emphasis in piano from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Owatonna, MN M.A.T. in Theology in Biblical Counseling from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth, MN

“Life is not all about me. Life is about knowing and loving God and serving others.” That is my motto. I find it a great joy to connect Biblical principles and the glory of our God with the academic subjects. That’s why I love Christian education. It is rewarding to watch students connect the lessons in the books with daily living and with the wisdom of our God. I have enjoyed the years of subbing in all the grades at Valley Christian School, and I look forward to teaching the 6th graders on a full-time basis. Teaching that changes lives for eternity is my passion.

Kalpin, Bethany

Bethany Kalpin

Secondary English

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire with a comprehensive Bachelor of Arts degree in English Education

I was born and raised in Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin. I’ve always enjoyed the scenery and Fall colors that God paints; so, I often take walks in Interstate Park to capture photographs of His artistry. I was inspired to become a teacher by the kindness and compassion of my own high school teachers. I am an avid reader and writer, who loves to share the fun of language and expression with students. I challenge students to think of their skills as an art form just waiting to be mastered. For His glory we were made, so for His glory, we should strive to be our best.

Nameny, Frank

Frank Nameny

Secondary Social Studies

BA in Intercultural Studies from Providence College & Theological Seminary and a MA in Ministry Leadership from Crown College.

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

I endeavor to know God more and more as I was saved when I was in first grade. The journey is not unlike the Israelites coming out of slavery to the Promise Land.

I hope to bring to Valley Christian a genuine passion for Christ while teaching history with a Christian worldview. Federick Douglas said, “It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men.” I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of their young lives.

I have a BA in Intercultural Studies from Providence College & Theological Seminary and a MA in Ministry Leadership from Crown College.

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god

Prinsen, Sharlene

Sharlene Prinsen


-Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education from UW-Eau Claire (Broadfield Social Studies with a minor in Spanish). -Master's Degree in Education (M.Ed. - Teaching and Learning) from St. Mary's University in Minnesota. -Master's Degree in Human Services Counseling (M.A.) from Liberty University

Deuteronomy 6:5: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Also Matthew 22:37). I am so blessed and honored to be part of the Valley Christian family. I’m always excited to share my passion for the Spanish language and culture with my students… but I am OVERJOYED by the deeper mission we have as believers — to walk beside our children and encourage them to nurture a deep, abiding relationship with the King of Kings. Oh, I want my students to learn and use the words of the Spanish language, no doubt. But my greater desire is for them to know THE Word — that which truly has value, that which alone brings life, that which leads us to and keeps us in Truth and freedom. Oh, that our students would truly know the hope to which they have been called, the riches of His glorious inheritance (Ephesians 1), and the joy of knowing Him and being known. I see that as my true mission in the time I have with your children.
Besides my passion for the Lord and my love of the Spanish language, I also enjoy walking and hiking, reading and learning about all kinds of things, snuggling up with the six fur babies that share (take over?) my house, and spending time with my beautiful family (my husband; a son, age 20; a daughter, age 17, and a lovely stepdaughter and two grandsons). 
Thank you for letting me be part of your child’s journey. I will always cherish and honor the trust you’ve placed in me and the rest of the VCS staff. 
Strohbeen, Eric

Eric Strohbeen

Secondary Bible

B.S. Business Management & Marketing, Crown College

I attended Valley as a student from 1st grade until I graduated in 2011. I appreciated the Christian education I received and now I enjoy being able to share that same Christian worldview as a teacher.

Fisk, Rich

Rich Fisk

Secondary Math

B.S. Electrical Engineering Technology, LeTourneau University, Longview, TX

I have enjoyed working with kids all of my adult life as a Youth Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Coach, and Camp Counselor. I love math, too, and am excited to be teaching math at Valley Christian School. I endeavor to make math practical and fun.

Smith, Kylie

Kylie Smith

Secondary Science Teacher

B.S. Law and Policy: pre-law, Liberty University

I am a resident of the small town of Minong, where I have spent the past fifteen years of this blessed life God has given me. I spent two wonderful years of school with Valley and graduated through them in 2018. I am so excited to be back to teach, influence, and encourage students the way I was during my time here. In my spare time I am most often found reading books, tending to my latest attempts at a garden crocheting, and spoiling my two cats. Being outside in nature is my favorite place to be, I love observing and learning about how the world works just as the Lord told it to, My favorite way to dot his is through watching my bees make and store their honey. I cannot wait to help reveal to the students the amazing power and glory of our beautiful God in the world that He has crafted.

Shuga, Sara

Sara Shuga

Secondary Math Teacher

athletic department

                Athletic Director: Jenn Rosenow                                 Volleyball: Lynette Schone                                           Soccer: Mike Mickelson                      Basketball: Grant Ricther   

School Board

Adam Wallis –President
Corissa Erdman – Secretary
David Richter – Board Member
            Seth Brickley – Board Member                 Amanda Church – Board Member

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