Wow! It is hard to believe that we are in the last month of 2022. I trust that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.
In our theme “let me tell you about my Jesus,” this week and the next two weeks, I am going to look at one of the most amazing prophecies regarding the birth of Christ – Isa. 9:6:
Isa 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.
Whenever I read this verse, I immediately hear Handel’s Messiah*, and his treatment of this verse, simply amazing. However, the opening prepositional phrase in this verse is unique in that it is the “present tense.” It doesn’t state that the a “child will be born” or a “child was born,” but a “child is born.” If you survey the other prophetic verses regarding the birth of Christ, you will find that they are in the future tense – “He shall or will be born…” Nevertheless, this is outstanding that Isaiah talks about the birth of Christ in the present tense. John Gill comments that the reason for the present tense is the
assuredness of Isaiah of the birth of Christ. The next phrase is also important in that it states the sex of the child. This only has significance in our present society. We know as Isaiah did that God’s Son came to earth. Lastly, one could question, “What government will be on His shoulders?” Again, Gill comments, “His government consists in ruling in the hearts of his people, in enacting laws for them, and causing them to submit unto them, in subduing their enemies, in protecting them, their persons and properties, rights and liberties, and in supplying them with everything necessary; and this government is delegated to him from his Father, is devolved upon him by him, is not of this world, but is spiritual.” The Apostle Paul also comments similarly in Colossians 1:16-18, when Christ is the head of the body, the
church. Are you connected to His government, His church?
Wanted: One or two more individuals that could sub teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree is needed.
The Christmas program is on Dec. 15 @ 6:30pm, here at the school. The program will consist of two parts, “A Celebration of Nine Lessons and Carols” and “Believe!” For the first part of the program, I am asking all students to wear a white button-down collared shirt, black slacks/pants, and black shoes. Those of you who were at the program last year saw how professional the students looked when performing.
VCS is now hosting a ski club with Mrs. Jonelle Maddock as the club sponsor. The club will meet on Thursdays, beginning Dec. 8. The participant will be responsible for equipment, lift ticket, and transportation to and from Trollhaugen.
The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be this next Tuesday, Dec 6th .
The snow on the ground reminds me that I need to remind you that should the school need to be closed due to poor weather conditions, look to KARE 11, the school’s Facebook page, and group emails for any notices.
Continue to pray for God’s holy fire to rain down daily burning away the dross of sin.
Pressing forward for His glory,
*Much could be said about Messiah, but that will have to be in a different venue. Listen to this is a wonderful recording of Handel’s Messiah. The song, “For unto Us a Child is Born,” is number 12 at about the 36:39-minute mark.

Basketball is in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.
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