The last two newsletters I have talked about the fact that “God is for us” and that “God loves us.” This week I want to remind us that “God is with us.” “In the fullness of time, God sent His Son” (Gal. 4:6). I was reminded of this verse earlier this week and the fact that the time for the birth of Christ was mapped out before the beginning of time. We have other passages in the Bible that also talk about this fact. But the point I want to make is the angel told Mary that His name was to be Immanuel – “God with us” (Mt. 1:23). This would be a game changer. Up to this point, the only contact that the Jew had with God was in the temple with an occasional “presence of the Lord” showing up. Now, God would be with them on a daily basis in the form a person – the God-man. For some, they embraced the fact that God had come to the earth. For others, like Herod the King, they tried to do everything in their power to literally destroy Him.
How fast can the weeks prior to Christmas fly? Too Fast. Of course, the reason for such “speed” is that we are trying to cram boat load of activities (none of those that are just outside of the LA harbor) into our days. The teachers and students are busy preparing for the Christmas Program and other seasonal activities. The good news is that each day has the same amount of time.
Building Committee – needs more members! K. Davis and C. Lund would like some additional members on the building committee. Contact the office if you are interested in becoming a member.
The next board meeting is coming up on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, @ 6pm. You are all welcome to attend and listen to the board deliberate on the items listed on the agenda.
The VCS board approve this past Tuesday a measure that will institute a program similar to the Quality Improvement Opportunity system. The impetus behind this program is to improve the communication to and from the school board. You may be familiar with such a program where employees have a means of confidentially communicating with management/leadership. So, if you have an idea or concern for the improvement of the school, stop by the office and request the Suggestions Form. Fill it out and return the form to the office. Only suggestions that have a valid signature accompanying them will be considered.
The Christmas program is just one week away on 12/16 @ 6pm. It will be full night of music, scripture readings, and a comedic Christmas play all lasting about 2:00hr. with the intermission. The student’s attire for the program is “all black” – buttoned shirt/blouse, slacks, socks, and shoes. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
The Annual VCS Christmas Bake sale is also just one week away, Dec. 16th @ 3-6pm. As I mentioned last week, come early for the program, buy some goodies, and then stay on for the program. If you have any questions, please contact Corissa E. at
The 12 Days of Christmas Giving that VCS has been participating in will be wrapping up next Wednesday, 12/16. Thanks to all of you who have participated. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Next week, the Student Leadership Team (SLT) has arranged for special dress up days for the students (and staff) to celebrate the season – Monday, Miss Match Monday; Tuesday, Santa and Elves; Wednesday, Pajama Day; Thursday, Ugly Christmas Sweater; Friday, Christmas Colors.
Please pray for the upcoming Christmas program that the true message of Jesus coming to earth and His fulfillment of the plan of salvation would be clearly communicated. Pray for the continued preparations for the program in this next week – too much to do with too little time to do it. Pray that we can obtain some toner for the copier. We have contacted our normal supplier, they commented that all their warehouse supplies are gone and are waiting for a freighter to be unloaded out in LA. Lastly, Pray for a strong finish next week and safe Christmas break.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Ron Brace
Hockey and Basketball games are in full swing. Come and cheer on your fellow Jaguars! You will find the games listed on our athletic calendar.
Click on the event for further details and location.
Join our Valley Christian Jaguars facebook group! It is for YOU to communicate and share your pictures,etc. Since it is a private group, you will need to request to join.
Follow our athletics on instagram @vcsjaguars
New this year: Please have your students bring in their own utensils, paper plates, etc. for lunch.
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