Feb. 2, 2023



Happy Ground Hog’s Day! The legend goes that if Punxsutawney Phil (in PA) sees his shadow then we are to have six more weeks of winter. My vote is that he won’t see it, so we can get on with spring.

This past Sunday, one of the worship songs was Anne Wilson’s My Jesus which I have been pulling out the line that is the theme of the newsletters – “let me tell you about my Jesus.” As we were singing the song, the line that follows our theme jumped out as being also very important, “and let my Jesus change your life.” I can talk all day about my Jesus, but if it doesn’t change your life, I have been blowing hot air.

When we look into the New Testament, we find many lives that were change because of the presence of Jesus. The apostles would be the first group of individuals that comes to mind when having a transformed life – the Apostle Paul being one of the more dramatic transformations. He talks in Romans 12 about how we can “be transformed (changed) by the renewing of our minds” – v. 2. From this we can see/gather that our minds are a critical component in letting Jesus change our life. How do we go about that? We study His Word. We consume/ingest His Word into our lives.

The current set of flags – American/Christian, that the school uses for secondary homeroom are “ancient.” They are the same flags that were used 35+ years ago and are ragged. So, I had Mrs. Rosenow check the price on a new set – $360. If you would be so inclined to participate in the purchase of a new set, just leave any donations with Mrs. Rosenow so designated.

Wanted: One or two more individuals that could sub teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited school is needed.

If you have not filled out the Parent Survey, please do so by 2/3. Thanks.

Yesterday was the beginning of the Wisconsin School Choice sign up season. If you have been participating in this program, you still need to re-sign up to continue in the program.

The Student Leadership Snack Shack will be open on Wednesday and Fridays beginning next week.

Also, the Seniors are gearing up for their Senior trip later in the spring and will be selling donuts starting next week. More details to come.

The annual VCS Ed. Fair is a little over two months way and will be brought to you by the letter “B.”

The next school regularly scheduled meeting will be on Feb 9th @ 6pm.

Continue to pray for God’s presence to energize us to greater conformity to His will.

Pressing forward for His glory,



School Choice registration is live
Feb. 9         6:00 School Board Meeting
Feb. 9         7-12th grade Trollhaugen field trip
Feb. 11       6:30-11:00 HS Formal
Feb. 17       K-4 Como Zoo field trip
Feb. 20       Presidents’ Day – No School
Mar. 2-4      CAL Tournament
Mar. 7          ACT Testing


Basketball and Hockey are in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!

Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


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