January 13,2022



In the series of “God is,” I have talked about that “God is for us,” “God loves us,” “God is with us,” and this week, “God is in us.” There is a caveat though with this condition as opposed to “God is with us” in that to have “God in us,” we must accept God’s gift of salvation found in Jesus Christ. When we do accept God’s gift of salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, then God places the Holy Spirit in us as a seal of that faith. When the Holy Spirit being the third member of the Trinity begins to reside in us, then God is in us. What an awesome thought! We can have God in us! And with that, think of the potential that we have.

The “race” of the school year keeps pressing on. In fact, the next big check point comes tomorrow, Friday, 1/14, the end of 2nd Quarter (ES)/1st Semester (MS/HS). Grades for the 2nd Quarter/1st Semester will be sent out/posted by 1/21. Beginning next week, we enter the long haul of the 2nd half of the school year. It really isn’t any longer than the first semester, but with the wintery days, it just seems longer.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting is coming up on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, @ 6pm. You are all welcome to attend and listen to the board deliberate on the items listed on the agenda. If you have items that you think are suitable for the agenda, please forward those to me by Feb 8th.

I want to put a plug in for the Capital Campaign Committee. They are working on securing donors for the new school project. If you know of individuals with financial means that would be amenable to hear out the committee regarding our need, please forward those names and contact info to the office. Also, if you would like to donate monies to this cause, please drop off your marked check or cash at the office. Any amount will do. Pray.

I received word a couple of days ago that Eric Strohbeen, after many successful years as the VCS Head Soccer Coach, has stepped down from this position. A big thanks to him for his service. If you know of someone that would be capable and interested in assuming this volunteer role, please contact me or Jenn R.

The Student Leadership Team (SLT) is announcing that they will be offering the Snack Shack on Wednesdays AND Fridays beginning next week, the week of 1/17.

Also, a reminder, NO SCHOOL Monday – MLK Jr. Day.

Thank you for praying for the school. If you want to be a part of a more concerted prayer effort, there are a group of moms (it is also open to dads.) that meets every Monday morning to pray for the school.

Pressing forward for His glory,


Ron Brace




Sept. 7   
Board Meeting- 5:30 
As a parent run school, meetings are open and you are encouraged to come.

Sept 22 
Picture Day

Oct. 17   
Fall Dessert Fundraiser at Bloom Lake Barn


Soccer, Volleyball, and Football are in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!

Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!



New this year: Please have your students bring in their own utensils, paper plates, etc. for lunch. 


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