Our theme for many weeks has been “let me tell you about my Jesus.” Last week I focused on Isa. 7:14 and Mt. 1:23 and the name Immanuel – God with us:
Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Mat 1:23 “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
This week I want to focus in on the phrase that I jumped over last week, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son.” The word “behold” is significant in that it is a call to attention. Those of you that have been to a wedding and where the bride comes in to the familiar, “Here Comes the Bride,” a tune composed by Richard Wagner, opens with a short but attention-getting trumpet blast. Now this blast whether it is on a trumpet, piano, or organ has the same effect; the audience is to stand at attention for the entry of the bride. Below I have a link to that piece and a piece for the royal entrance
to a wedding by the late Queen Elizabeth II. Like the trumpet fanfare announcing the arrival of an important guest/bride, the word “behold” heralds the imminent announcement of a spectacular prophecy. And spectacular it is!
The spectacular prophecy is the coming to the Messiah via very common means v. uncommon means. The Jews were looking for a Messiah that would deliver them from political oppression which would mean that He would need to come in pomp, power, and prestige – uncommon. However, the Messiah came by extraordinary means, but by very common means – being born in a barn.
The prophecy states that “the virgin would conceive,” not any virgin so designated with an article “a,” but a very specific individual so designated with the article “the.” The word “virgin” in the Hebrew means to cover or seclude until the time of marriage. The virgin would be someone that has been preserved, secluded until marriage. But lo what was going to happen? This secluded, preserved virgin was going to conceive prior to marriage! How was that going to happen!? We know that by reading the rest of the Christmas story in the NT. Though she would have been physically secluded, God the Father had His eye on her from the beginning of time to bear His Son.
Matthew Henry makes this comment about this miraculous conception:
“In a glorious manner; for, whereas you have been often told that he should be born among you, I am now further to tell you that he shall be born of a virgin, which will signify both the divine power and the divine purity with which he shall be brought into the world, – that he shall be a extraordinary person, for he shall not be born by ordinary generation, – and that he shall be a holy thing, not stained with the common pollutions of the human nature, therefore incontestably fit to have the throne of his father David given him.”
Lastly, the prophecy continues by stating that the virgin would bear a son. In our upside-down culture, the mentioning of this takes on new meaning, attention. In the centuries past, that fact that the virgin was to give birth to God’s Son was taken in stride. However, the fact that Isaiah prophesied the gender of the baby hundreds of years prior to the event also is worth noting. We know from other passages relating to this event that God the Father did not leave out any details including Isaiah mentioning that the child that was conceived by the virgin was to be a son. Isaiah, again in chapter 9, reasserts this idea with the phrase “a son is given.” And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. – Lk 2:6-7
Thanks to all who came out last night to support the students at the Christmas program.
Wanted: One or two more individuals that could sub teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited school is needed.
Looking forward, Feb 1 is the start of the School Choice registration season.
Continue to pray for God’s holy fire to rain down daily burning away the dross of sin.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Jan. 13 End of Second Quarter/ First Semester
Jan. 30 Cookie Cottage Fundraiser forms & payment due (forms coming home today)
Feb. 1 School Choice registration begins
Feb. 2 5-6th grade Trollhaugen field trip (forms will be
coming home)
Feb. 9 7-12th grade Trollhaugen field trip
Feb. 11 6:30-11:00 HS Formal
Feb. 17 K-4 Como Zoo field trip – chaperone’s needed
Feb. 20 Presidents’ Day – No School
Mar. 2-4 CAL Tournament
Mar. 7 ACT Testing
Basketball is in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.
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