This week in the AWANA program at the Alliance Church for the T&T group the theme is “I am the door.” I thought that this theme would fit nicely with our theme for many weeks “let me tell you about my Jesus.” The key verses for this theme are John 10:7, 9:
Joh 10:7 So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep…
Joh 10:9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.
Right away as I look at what Jesus said, the words “truly, truly” jump out at me. For like last week’s discussion of the word “behold,” these words are again a trump herald telling us to “listen up!” What are we to pay attention to? Jesus in the only way for the sheep to “go in and out.” Jesus is the ultimate
gate keeper, and the gate is only wide enough for one sheep to go through. With Jesus being the gate keeper, if you are not a part of His flock, you will not get into His fold.
There are people who try to get into Jesus’ fold but have not obtained the free ticket. They try all sorts of means to enter His fold in an effort circumvent the obvious – repentance. They will use penance, good works, self-mutilation, and a whole host of other works based/man-based attempts to “earn” their way into His fold. Nevertheless, any attempts to enter His fold in this manner will result in being cast out/aside to be preyed upon by the enemy.
Let’s put this into a modern context. Let’s say you wanted to go one of the NFL playoffs games, but you did not have or could not purchase a ticket. You could try to go to the stadium to purchase a ticket from someone that had a ticket but now could not attend or from a ticket scalper. If you were unsuccessful with that attempt, you would be pretty much out of luck trying to get into the game. Even if you went to the turnstiles with an unused ticket from an earlier game, the scanner would beep and would not accept the barcode on that ticket. If you were so desperate to see the game in the stadium, you might resort to nefarious means as some do get inside. Usually, the outcome of that strategy is a “free ride” to the police station.
Jesus says, “I am the door.” The cross and His crucifixion are the ultimate door. Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection will freely allow those to enter His kingdom, all we need to do is knock to accept His free gift of salvation through repentance. At the same time, it will refuse entry to anyone who does not accept His free and seeks to enter by a different means.
Thanks to all who came out last week to support the students at the Christmas program.
Wanted: One or two more individuals that could sub teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited school is needed.
Looking forward, Feb 1 is the start of the Wisconsin School Choice registration season.
The annual VCS Ed. Fair is a little over two months way.
The next school regularly scheduled meeting will be on Feb 9th @ 6pm. Please forward any items that you would like to see on the agenda by 1/26.
Continue to pray for God’s presence to energize us to greater conformity to His will.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Jan. 30 Cookie Cottage Fundraiser forms & payment due Feb. 1 School Choice registration begins
Feb. 2 5-6th grade Trollhaugen field trip
Feb. 9 6:00 School Board Meeting
Feb. 9 7-12th grade Trollhaugen field trip
Feb. 11 6:30-11:00 HS Formal
Feb. 17 K-4 Como Zoo field trip – chaperone’s needed
Feb. 20 Presidents’ Day – No School
Mar. 2-4 CAL Tournament
Mar. 7 ACT Testing
Basketball is in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

New this year: Please have your students bring in their own utensils, paper plates, etc. for lunch.
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