June 23, 2022



You may recall from the last newsletter that I talked about waking up to a cacophony of praise produced by the various elements of nature. It is still quite amazing. Anyway, I have just started a new book that was recommended to me by a friend, “More Than Meets the Eye” by Richard Swenson MD. * Here is a quote taken from the book by George Washington Carver that is applicable, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.”

When I was growing up, analog radio was still king when it came to entertainment. I included the word “analog” because as opposed to modern high-definition digital radio channels that locks you into the frequency of the station, with analog channels and with older radios, sometimes you would have to “play” with the dial to clearly receive the signal. As you were listening, you might even have to continue to adjust the dial to continue listening. I believe that Carver was thinking along those lines with his comment. The “listener” needs to make a conscious decision to “tune in” to what nature is broadcasting.”

Continue to pray for the position vacancies that are at the school: MS Math/English, K-12 P.E., 3rd grade, MS/HS History, and MS/HS Math. If you know of anyone that could fill these positions, please encourage them to apply. The good news is that I have begun interviewing individuals for these roles and the school board has accepted Eric Strohbeen’s application for the new Bible teacher.

Also, we could use some additional substitute teachers for the coming year. It is inevitable that there will be times where a sub-teacher is needed. My goal is to not have to sub in the coming year, so that I can provide full support for our staff.

The fundraising committee is still seeking 2-3 additional members for the committee beginning with the new school year.

The next regularly scheduled school board meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2022 @ 6pm. Submit your items for the agenda or QIOs by Tuesday July 5th. The board is asking that if you wish to speak to the board during the open floor time, please present your topic to the board by the 5th . (The QIO – Quality Improvement Opportunity, is a form for both positive and negative ideas.) If you have any questions, please contact me.

The school board is seeking 1-3 more members to be on the team, one with specific gifting in note taking/communication.

Remember the dates 8/18 – Welcome Back Night/Fall Corporate meeting, and 8/22 – First Day of School!

Pressing forward for His glory,

*I would heartily recommend this book. You can find it on Amazon Kindle – $12.


July 19    6:00  Board Meeting
Aug. 18   Welcome Back Night/Corporate Meeting
Aug. 22    First day of school! 


**We are looking for a volunteer soccer coach next season. If you love Jesus, kids, and soccer this is for you! Please fill out an application from our school website.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


Help Wanted
Be a part of our team!
We have employment opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year:
3rd Grade Teacher
K-12 Phy Ed Teacher
Middle School Math/English Combination Teacher
7-12 Grades Math Teacher
7-12 Grades History Teacher
We are also in need of a volunteer soccer coach for the fall season


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