MARCH 24, 2022



Continuing with the “God is” series, I want us to look at “The LORD is our banner.” I found the following piece and thought I would just pass it along to you.

Exodus 17:15–16 tells us, “Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner. He said, ‘Because hands were lifted up against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.’” “The Lord is my Banner” is the translation of the
Hebrew Yahweh-Nissi.

Earlier in Exodus 17, we read of the Amalekites attacking the Israelites at Rephidim. Joshua and the Israelites fought against the Amalekites while Moses stood on top of a hill with the staff of God in his hands. When Moses’ hands were lifted, the Israelites were winning; when his hands were lowered, the Amalekites were winning. Understandably, Moses grew tired, so he sat on a stone, and Aaron and Hur held up his hands. The children of Israel gained the victory (verse 13). God then instructed Moses to write the account of the battle on a scroll so that it would be remembered (verse 14). It was then that Moses built the altar he named “The Lord is my Banner.” That name proclaims God’s leadership and the protection of His people.

A banner is something that identifies and unifies a particular group of people. For example, a military flag or standard is sometimes called a banner. The Israelites’ saying, “The Lord is my Banner,” was a way of identifying themselves as the unified followers of the Lord God. A banner also functions as a rallying point for troops in a battle. The altar Moses built in Exodus 17 marked the place where God intervened on behalf of His people and promised to utterly defeat His enemies.

Psalm 20:5 says, “May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God.” In verses 6–8 we read, “Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” God’s people continue to say, “The Lord is my Banner,” because it is in His power that the enemies are vanquished (see also Psalm 60:4–5). The Lord is our Banner in that He is the One under whom we unite. He is our Savior. We are rescued by Him and identified in Him. (

I talked with Ken Kerr, Mrs. Kerr’s husband, yesterday morning. He commented that progress is being seen in the recovery, though way too slow. Even the simplest exertions – gesturing with her hands while talking or going up a small flight of stairs, causes her heart to race. Pray that the Father would turn up the speed on the recovery.

WANTED: Board Members. The VCS Board is seeking 2-3 additional board members to be approved at the Spring corporate meeting. If you are interested in what is all involved, please see me.

The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be Tuesday, April 5th , @ 6pm.

The Seniors love to put on the weekly hot lunch. Today’s lasagna/salad/garlic bread was great! Um. Um. Good. Unfortunately, many students did not come prepared to pay. The Seniors were gracious enough today to offer IOUs. However, next week when they will be serving tator tot hotdish with a dessert ($3), they will not be offering any IOUs. No money, no lunch. For those who were offered IOUs today, please be gracious and pay up on Monday.

The Freshman have been participating in a drama class and will be putting on an original production, “Homicide in the Heights” on May 13th @ 7PM here at the school. To make it more of a festive event, they are asking for some “best bakers” to donate a dessert with the proceeds going to the purchase of a new bus. Additionally, the class is asking for a $10 donation per person with all proceeds going to the new bus.

I mentioned some weeks ago about the need of a soccer coach for the new school year. If you or someone you know would be interested in this role, please contact the school office.

VCS is now a part of the Give Big community fundraiser. Here is the link to the school’s page:

The Annual VCS Golf fundraiser will soon be here. Look for details in future newsletters and on the school’s FB page.

Pressing forward for His glory,

Ron Brace


Mar. 25   No School
Mar. 28   8:00 Mom’s in Prayer – join us to pray for our school
Mar. 31   Senior Trip hot lunch fundraiser
Mar. 29   2nd-4th grade field trip to Festival Theater
April 5     6:00  Board Meeting
April 20   Robotics hot lunch fundraiser


High School Track is now in session. Middle School track will begin April 4th. You must have a physical dated after April 1, 2020 to participate in this WIAA sport. Turn in your signed physical or alternate card before practice.
We are looking for a volunteer soccer coach next season. If you love Jesus, kids, and soccer this is for you! Please fill out an application from our school website.

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