Continuing with the “God is” series, I want to focus on “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness…” – The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance (2 Pe 3:9).
We, collectively as the school body, have been praying for a new school facility for some time as the need was identified some time ago. We could become discouraged because, though we pray day in and day out, no progress is seemingly made. From this verse though, we are given encouragement that the Lord fulfills His promises on time. The real problem is our view of time is finite and myopic, meaning that we do not see the whole situation. In the Old Testament, many times the Israelites languished seemingly forever. From our distant future perspective, we can see God had a plan that was fully implemented on time. So, as you continue to pray for the school and the need for/want of a new facility, please remember that VCS is God’s school, and He has a definite plan for it.
This is the penultimate week of the school year. The last leg of the race is next week, and the “team” is restless to finish. Like the rest of year, we need to take a step, a moment, at a time to complete the race successfully.
Looking forward to next year’s staffing needs, we need to fill the following positions: MS Math/English, K-12 P.E., 3rd grade, MS/HS History and MS/HS Math. If you know of anyone that could fill these positions, please encourage them to apply.
The fundraising committee is still seeking 2-3 additional members for the committee beginning with the new school year.
The next regularly scheduled school board meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2022. If you would have an item to be included on the agenda for that meeting, please forward them to me by next Tuesday, 5/24.
Awards Night/Spring Corporate meeting – May 26th – wow that is next Thursday!
A quick reminder for all activities that will take place next Friday, 5/27:
- ES Track and Field in the afternoon
- MS Fieldtrip to New Richmond (permission slip needed)
- HS Fieldtrip to Valley Fair (many need to turn in the permission slip yet)
Mark your calendar – VCS graduation Saturday, May 28th @ 2pm.
Pressing forward for His glory,
May 23 8:00 Mom’s in Prayer
May 23 3:30 Track Regionals at Webster
May 26 3:00 Track Sectionals at Colfax
May 26 6:30 Awards Night/Corporate Meeting
May 27 Last Day of School
May 27 Elementary Track and Field Day
May 27 MS and HS Field trips
May 28 2:00 Graduation
June 3 VCS Golf Tournament Fund Raiser
June 7 6:00 Board Meeting
Track Regionals and Sectionals are this week! Come and cheer on our Jaguars!

We have employment opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year:
3rd Grade Teacher
K-12 Phy Ed Teacher
Middle School Math/English Combination Teacher
7-12 Grades Math Teacher
7-12 Grades History Teacher
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