A couple of weeks ago I talked about how Jesus is the “Church’s One Foundation…” This week I want to take that thought to another level in my theme of “let me tell you about my Jesus.” Jesus is not only the “one foundation” for the church, He also is the cornerstone of the church. There are many verses both OT and NT but wish to focus in on Mark. 12:10 and Acts 4:11.
Mar 12:10 Have you not read this Scripture: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;
Mar 12:11 this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”
Act 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders,
Act 4:9 if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed,
Act 4:10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man is standing before you well.
Act 4:11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.
Act 4:12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
What is a cornerstone? Per the New Oxford Dictionary, the second definition reads as follows, “a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.” In the ancient world, the cornerstone set the direction of the building and all other stones/construction material would be laid/used in reference to that cornerstone. In modern construction, the cornerstone is more of a symbolic part of the construction with usually the date of construction engraved into it.
What is more important in what we are talking about, is the spiritual cornerstone that Jesus is to the Gospel message. He is the starting point to the salvation message, and as is noted in Acts 4:12, without Jesus there is no other salvation by which men must be saved.
Have you made Jesus the cornerstone of your life? Without Jesus you will be like the house built on shifting sand and in a spiritual sense you will be blown/washed away by the spiritual storms that will come your way. (It is not a matter of if they will come, but when.) You have all seen pictures or footage of the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Florida and South Carolina. It is interesting to note that down at Ft. Meyers, FL, there was one lone house that withstood the battering of the hurricane. What about your spiritual “house?” Can it withstand the imminent hurricane-sized spiritual battering? With Christ as the Cornerstone, it can.
Welcome to Qtr. 2 (if you are in the elementary) or the second part of the first semester (if you are in the secondary). Time is still clicking along and provides a testimony to God’s creative plan. For the sports program, this weekend is the “biggy” – the season ending tournament. Pray for the students that they
would be shining lights for Him as the participate.
Last week I mentioned that the “new” bus was at the body shop awaiting its paint job. I have since learned that the whole project is ahead of schedule making the possibility of using it for the Creation trip more plausible. Keep praying that it will be ready for the trip next Thursday.
Continue to pray for God’s holy fire to rain down daily.
Help Wanted: Two (or more) people for the Christmas play – one (or more) for props and set and the other(s) for costumes.
Wanted: One or two more individuals that could sub teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree is needed.
Wanted: Basketball coaches – boy and girls for the upcoming season.
The fundraising committee is still seeking 2-3 additional members for the committee.
We had a blast celebrating the Pie-in-the-Face fundraiser. The whipped cream tasted wonderful. We raised $260+ for the bus paint.
Beginning next week, I will be conducting one-hour rehearsals for the upcoming Christmas play. I have been hearing the students working on their lines. Exciting! As mentioned above I do really need some help pulling off this play. I can do the directing, but I do not have the bandwidth to pull together the props and costumes, and getting the set made. Let me know how you can help.
The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be on Nov. 8th . (New date – changed due to Parent
Teacher Conferences.) (Please make sure that you vote that day.)
I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday or Thursday for the Parent Teacher Conferences. If you did not receive the link to sign up for a conference, contact me with the teacher you wish to conference with, and I will send you the appropriate link.
Pressing forward for His glory,

Oct. 28 No School
Nov. 1 Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 2 8:00 am School Pictures Retakes
Nov. 3 Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 3-6 Creation Museum/ARK High School Field Trip
Nov. 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov. 8 6:00 Board Meeting
Nov. 14 Operation Christmas Child Packing Day
Nov. 23-26 No School – Thanksgiving Break
Contact Rich or Jenn if you are willing!
Oct. 28-29th Soccer and Varsity Volleyball competes in the CALague Tournament Good Luck, Jaguars!
Nov. 14th Basketball starts
All Jaguar games are on the website. Click on the event to see address, which teams are playing, and bus times.
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