We are wrapping up our first full week of school! I have been so blessed to see students learning routines and getting to know one another. It is my greatest joy to be getting to know new faces, families, and names and seeing familiar ones in the building again.
A highlight of the week was our first chapel. Student led worship was followed by a message of “Courage” by Pastor Larry Mederich and our students were introduced to our new chaplain, Pastor Kevin Schumann. We were doubly blessed.
In homeroom we have had a number of short devotions led by myself and teachers. What a great group of students we have. It is such a privilege to encourage them and pray with them at the opening of every day. How can we be this blessed?
This morning the verse on my heart was Ephesians 2:8.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”
This was on my heart after a conversation outside of school yesterday with a young lady who had shared that “sometimes I wonder if I’m good enough.” It is something I too have wrestled with and felt that it may be something our students need to be reminded of as well. Christ has covered us because of His Great Love for us. It is not because of anything we have done or have not done. But He is so good to not let us remain the same. He will continue to “work things in us” and “work things out of us.” Praise Him.
Enjoy a beautiful Labor Day weekend! I pray the minutes and hours are long.
Kathy Thompson
Osceola Parade!!
VCS will be in the Osceola Parade on Sunday September 10th!! Please mark your calendars and communicate with your students! We are making frequent announcements and getting good feedback from students willing to walk. Line-up will begin approximately 11:45am. Communication will be following shortly on “where” and our place and number in line. – Jaguar wear is welcome, but not necessary! Black, silver, and blue are alternate colors reflecting our school logos!
Hands of Hope
There is an opportunity to serve! VCS and Hope Church are coming together again September 9th to serve at the Osceola Wheels and Wings Airshow! Help is needed with parking assistance, crowd control, and managing recycling and garbage areas. Volunteers will also be selling bottled water out of wagons in order to help the community and raise money for a scholarship fund for students. Shifts are available at 7-11am and 11am-3pm.
Please contact Jim Swanson at (715) 494-1118 to volunteer or ask for information. Anyone who volunteers gets free entrance into the event and free parking!
Snack Shack
Snack shack is open! Our Student Leadership Team is earning money for student activities. Please support them by bringing snack money on Fridays. The snack shack will be open during the lunch hours.
Senior Fundraisers
Keep your eyes and ears open for Senior Trip fundraisers! Currently they are selling bouquets of flowers inside of the school from the Richter garden! $10 for large and $5 for small. They are beautiful. – Kemen Anderson made cookies and sold them at lunch. We will keep you posted!
Attendance and Tardies
When communicating on attendance and tardies, please contact Mrs. Schulze at advisor@valley-christian.org. She is our “point” person on this communication and this will help streamline these conversations in the office! Thank you!!

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