I am praying that everyone has a blessed weekend. We talk often at school, in the classroom, and homeroom, about how we recognize that life’s routines, habits, and responsibilities do not end at 3:10. We know parents are either home or at work outside of the home. Students are often buzzing to after school jobs, sports activities, or sometimes Wednesday night church activities.
We know that for some families this is “wooding season.” Some of us are splitting wood to heat homes during the winter. For many, it is a long road home, or there are siblings, or babysitting responsibilities on the other side of 3:10.
It is on my heart to say “thank you.” Thank you to each family for showing up daily. Thank you for gassing up your cars, for packing the lunches, for popping in the office. The hellos and goodbyes, the “how is the day?” all are part of what builds us a family here. Thank you for signing assignment books, for checking backpacks, for returning slips to the office, and for every engagement necessary and above and beyond. You are building a community here that our students, teachers, and faculty not only appreciate, but deeply need. The conversations, the smiles, laughter, and questions make each day worthwhile.
I am so happy to be here every morning. God is so good and so faithful.
Enjoy the changing colors. Enjoy your time this weekend with the Lord and your family, and give thanks for this day.
Kathy Thompson
JH Jaguar Football!!
Be ready to cheer our JH Football on at their next game at Prairie Farm on September 28th! They are working hard out there in the heat at practice. Also, don’t be shy about waving to them at pick-up time (they may see you)! We are very proud. Also, if you have pictures please send them to the office. We would appreciate that!
River Valley Christian Soccer!
River Valley Christian Soccer played “Good Shepherd” this Monday and did lose 5-2. However, they played a great game and had some very good shots on goal! We are proud of our soccer players and see great opportunities ahead!
River Valley Christian Volleyball!
River Valley Christian JV Volleyball played “Good Shepherd” this Monday and won! We are also very proud of our volleyball players. Keep up the good work, ladies! We continue to be proud of you!
A quick reminder to send all communication regarding absences or parent approved tardies to advisor@valley-christian.org. This will streamline our communication in the office. Thank you!
Also a quick reminder to let the office or office and teachers know in advance if you plan an extended absence for your student. If you do that, it is greatly appreciated as our teachers prepare weekly and daily for each class throughout the day. We are so proud of what is accomplished in these classrooms and hours and want to do our very best to help your student plan ahead where possible or prepare to make up necessary work. Thank you!

JH Football is in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

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