We are off and at ‘em. As I write this, images of the Iditarod Trail dogsled race comes to mind. In that race the musher the needs to keep the end goal in mind, but at the moment needs to continually monitor the current conditions and the health of the dogs to cover the next mile. So, the school year is off and running. We have hit a few bumps already, but we keep our eyes on the long-term goal and in doing so can weather these hiccups.
Some of your students have been communicating to you that they have on a given day several study halls and some of that is true. We have a unique and perplexing issue in that we do not have enough available spaces to offer enough classes to fill their schedules, even if we had the manpower. The staff met after school yesterday, Wednesday, 9/1, to address this issue. The net result is that it may be necessary to overhaul the current class schedule to see if we can make even better use of the available space. Please pray for this matter. Likewise, please pray for the possibility for a usable new facility for next year.
With all that to say, the school had begun with success. It is great to hear the student chatter and to work with your student(s). We have a very committed staff seeking the very best for you and your student(s).
Attached to this letter is an article that I found interesting and thought it would be good to pass it along to you. Also, attached is an update on the dress code. It was pointed out to me that my team had made an oversight on this section.
Lastly, I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I always have a listening ear if you have a thought or idea to improve the school.
In Him,
Follow us on Instagram @valleychristian.school and @vcsjaguars

Soccer, Volleyball, and Football are in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

New this year: Please have your students bring in their own utensils, paper plates, etc. for lunch.
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