Continuing with the “God is” series, I want to focus on the concept that the “Lord is good” from Lam. 3:25, “The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” We would not need the prepositional phrase and clause that ends the thought. We could stop with just the initial subject-verb-predicate adjective – “The Lord is good.” He is good all the time.
John Gill makes this comment regarding the first part of the verse: “They that wait for him shall not be ashamed, or disappointed of what they expect. They shall renew their spiritual strength and grow stronger and stronger.” When we experience God’s handiwork in our lives, we are encouraged, strengthened, spurred on to greater things. Also, we need to make “a standing stone,” something that we can remember what He did on our behalf.
I have been asking you to pray for Mrs. Kerr for some time, continue to do so. I also want you to pray for another of our team members – Brad Perrin. This past Tuesday, Mr. Perrin had his gall bladder removed, and the removal was successful. He commented that the removal was instant pain relief. PTL! (He had been sporadically having bouts of pancreatitis which is many times caused by a gall stone lodging the bile duct such that it presses up against the pancreas. The removal of the gall bladder will eliminate the production of gall stones.) Please pray for a quick convalescence.
UPDATE! The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be May 3, @ 6:30pm.
(The school board is still looking for 2-3 additional members. Please contact me if interested.)
Cinco de Mayo is Thursday, May 5th, and what would the day be without a lunch of tacos? Therefore, the Seniors will be serving tacos for hot lunch – $3.
Clean-a-thon – May 6th. This year’s clean-a-thon, weather permitting, will be on Friday, May 6th. The National Honor Society students have been organizing the day and will serving a bag lunch for everyone. We need 17 parent volunteers to help with the various groups. Please let the office know by Friday, 4/29, if you can help.
It is not too early to mark your calendars for the Awards Night/Spring Corporate meeting – May 26th.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Ron Brace
May 2 8:00 Mom’s in Prayer
May 3 6:30 Board Meeting
May 5 Hot Lunch Senior Fundraiser – tacos
May 6 Clean-a-thon
May 13 7:00 Homocide in the Heights Mystery Dessert Night
May 14 Spring Formal
May 16-20 Senior Trip
May 26 Awards Night/Corporate Meeting
May 27 Last Day of School
May 28 2:00 Graduation
June 3 VCS Golf Tournament Fund Raiser
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.
We have employment opportunities for the 2022-2023 school year:
K-12 Phy Ed Teacher
Middle School Math/English Combination Teacher- new position
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