FEB. 25, 2022
In the “God is” series, this week I want to talk about the fact that “God is my strength and my song.” The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him (Ex. 15:2). We live in some tumultuous times where the unknown can be daunting, but with God in us, we have the spiritual strength to press forward. Additionally, when we rely in Him for the strength that He can supply, He will also provide a joy that is so contagious that it will emanate from us as a song. So, my challenge to myself and you is to rely fully on His strength.
With the additional day off due to the storm (validly taken), our schedules at school have been totally wonky. As for me, subbing in the Kindergarten, I equally missed writing the weekly newsletter in a timely fashion. Speaking of Kindergarten, please pray for Mrs. Kerr. She has been out for over a week without any real knowledge of what is causing her to be weak and lightheaded. She has been to the doctor a few times trying to isolate the cause with no solution. Again, pray.
Please pray for our student body. We are witnessing additional disrespect for staff, student, and facility in the past week. We know that we are waging a spiritual war that only can be combatted effectively on a supernatural level. So again, pray that the Father would put a hedge of protection around the school and that Satan would not gain a foot hold at the school.
The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be next week, Tuesday, March 1st, @ 6pm.
On Mar. 8th, the Winter sports banquet will be held at the school. Contact the office for more information.
In just a matter of days now, on Mar. 17th, the annual Ed Fair will be held at the school, and currently, the students are all “a buzz” working on their projects. Also at this event, the school allows parents to re-enroll that night and waives the registration fee. I would encourage you to make sure that you get your children re-enrolled as we are now starting to put prospective students on a waiting list.
Due to the snowstorm this past Tuesday, the SLT (Student Leadership Team) Praise and Prayer night has been rescheduled for Mar. 15th, @ 6:30pm. Update your calendar and plan to attend.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Ron Brace
Feb. 28 8:00 Mom’s in Prayer – join us to pray for our school
Mar. 1 6:00 Board Meeting
Mar. 3-5 CAL
Mar. 8 Basketball Banquet
Mar. 15 6:30 Praise and Worship
Mar. 17 Kindergarten Round Up and Ed Fair
Congratulations to the Somerset Boys Hockey team on their Sectional Semi-Final win!
Our own Taylor Abitz is the Rockstar Goalie!!
With the win the team advances to the Sectional Final against Baldwin-Woodville. Come and Cheer them on Saturday at 4:00 in Somerset.
Unfortunately, BB Senior Night was canceled last Monday due to the impending snow storm. We have decided to make our own game! Parents and Coaches vs Junior and Seniors BB players! If you are interested in playing email the office or let one of the coaches know. It’s sure to be a blast!
The basketball banquet is March 8th at 6:00.
Track forms were sent home. Come the first week free for a trial run. (Pun intended!) You must have a physical dated after April 1, 2020 to participate in this WIAA sport so make that appointment now. We are looking for a volunteer soccer coach next season. If you love Jesus, kids, and soccer this is for you! Please fill out an application from our school website.
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