Continuing with the “God is” series, I want us to look at “God is our refuge and strength.” From Ps 46 we have,
Psa 46:1 To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A Song. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psa 46:2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
Psa 46:3 though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah
What got me thinking about this passage are the words refuge and strength; two words that have been a part of our conversations in conjunction with the Ukraine situation. The innocent and our fellow Christ-followers in many cases are seeking physical refuge and having the strength to make it to the place of refuge. Though in that context that is true, the spiritual context is equally true. When calamity strikes, our spirits can begin to quake and melt with uncertainty of the moment. But we do not need to do that for verse one states that not only is God our refuge, but He is our strength. All our fears can be allayed with that simple fact. The psalmist goes on to list some geological events that could cause our hearts/spirits to melt, and with each one, we can look back to verse one and be reassured that God is still there, as strong and solid as ever.
I tried finding a recording of a certain choral arrangement of this passage but could not. Nevertheless, below are two arrangements of this passage for your enjoyment.
I talked with Mrs. Kerr on Monday, and she wants to thank all that have been praying for her. She can tell, feel the power of God working in her. She commented that she is improving. Continue to pray for her as she is “not out of the woods” yet.
If you are a parent of a secondary student, I have been asking the following questions of them in homeroom which you might want to talk to them about: Do I want to represent God? In all that I do? All that I say? All that I think? Do I want to be Christ-like?
WANTED: Board Members. The VCS Board is seeking 2-3 additional board members to be approved at the Spring corporate meeting. If you are interested in what is all involved, please see me.
The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be this coming Tuesday, April 5th, @ 6pm.
The Freshman have been participating in a drama class and will be putting on an original production, “Homicide in the Heights” on May 13th @ 7PM here at the school. To make it more of a festive event, they are asking for some “best bakers” to donate a dessert with the proceeds going to the purchase of a new bus. Additionally, the class is asking for a $10 donation per person with all proceeds going to the new bus.
The track season is underway, and the first meet is coming up soon. Mrs. Degerstrom, the coach, is looking for an Instant pop-up tent/canopy to borrow for the season. If you or someone you know might have to loan to the team, please contact the school office.
Pressing forward for His glory,
Ron Brace
Follow us on Instagram @valleychristian.school and @vcsjaguars
April 4 8:00 Mom’s in Prayer – join us to pray for our school
April 5 6:00 Board Meeting
April 11-18 No School-Easter Break
April 20 Robotics hot lunch fundraiser
May 13 6:00 Homocide in the Heights Mystery Dessert Night
May 14 Spring Formal
May 16-20 Senior Trip
May 26 Awards Night/Corporate Meeting
May 27 Last Day of School
May 28 2:00 Graduation
New this year: Please have your students bring in their own utensils, paper plates, etc. for lunch.
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